Free antivirus software: Free Avira AntiVir Personal

If you don't want to pay for a yearly subscription for your virus scan updates, there is always free antivirus software available! Free AntiVir Personal Edition (download: (you need to click the AntiVir logo shown below to download AntiVir) is one of them (see the pages Free Avast for other free antivirus software). The AntiVir setup is straight forward: answer every question positively, and after a few clicks you have your free antivirus software running. No registration needed.

Advantages Free AntiVir Personal antivirus: works pretty good
Disadvantages Free AntiVir Personal antivirus: daily advertising screen

BE AWARE: Free antivirus software is not for free without any reason: no profit means less research, less research means less quality, less quality means........ In general, the antivirus software is only free for home users, not for business purposes. If you would like to use the antivirus software for business purposes, you have to buy the software.

If AntiVir setup has completed, your system will be checked for viruses. If you are not sure whether you have a virus, it is important to run the total test (or do it later). It is also important to check for virus definition updates immediately (manually you can do this by right click on the AntiVir icon in the system tray and select Start Update)! There is no further configuration needed.

Free AntiVir Personal Edition


AntiVir has the disadvantage of the daily shown ad window, which has to be clicked away on a daily basis. However, this add window is disabled easIly by applying a small tweak! Open the Windows Explorer and browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop, right click the file avnotify.exe, click Properties, tab Security (Windows XP Home users only get access to this tab in safe mode, which is reached by pressing F8 at Windows startup). Select the group SYSTEM, changed the permission for Read and execute into Deny, click the button Apply and confirm the changes when asked for and repeat these steps for all groups/users.

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