A multiboot system: the Windows bootmanager vs. an alternative bootmanager
This page is about setting up an multiboot system: installing multiple
operating systems on one computer. This could be a combination of Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista
and/or one of the many other operating systems (like a Linux distribution). A
bootmanager is used to show a boot menu to let the user choose between the
installed operating systems. Thanks to this boot menu, it is simple to boot
every operating system.
Multiboot system with similar or different Windows versions
Since the introduction of Windows Vista, multiboot is applied more then ever. By
installing Windows Vista next to an already installed Windows XP system,
it is still possible to go back to the previously installed Windows XP. This
procedure is useful, especially if you are not sure yet whether to upgrade to
Windows Vista or not. It is also common to install the same Windows version
twice (or more) on the same computer. Each installed Windows can be used and
optimized for different purposes.
The Windows bootmanager vs. an alternative bootmanager
Before setting up a multiboot system, it is important to understand how it works.
This page first describes how the Windows bootmanager (the most used bootmanager) works.
This information is important to understand the disadvantages of this bootmanager. These disadvantages could be evaded by using an alternative bootmanager, which is described next. The page finalizes with the information how to
create a multiboot system by imaging one primary partition (with a already
installed and optimized Windows) to another primary partition.
ATTENTION: Al kind of operating systems (like
Linux) could be used to setup a multiboot system. This page only describes
setting up a multiboot system with Windows operating systems. Read the manual of
those other operating systems for more information about setting up a multiboot
system with one of those operating systems.
The basic concept of the booting process
Because of the complexity of multiboot, here are some of the basic concepts
concerning a multiboot system:
- The partition table contains information about the partitions: a
description of the partitions on the hard disk and their layout. This partition
table also describes which partition is the active partition and which
partitions are hidden.
- The
partition layout. The maximum number of partitions on a hard disk is four.
Additional partitions (in Windows each will receive an individual disk letter)
are available by creating an extended partition with multiple logical disks.
By default, an operating system is installed on a primary partition (but
this is not necessary, theoretically even Windows can be booted from a logical
partition but only when the right bootmanager is used).
- The
Master Boot Record (MBR) is placed in the first sector of the hard disk. The MBR
contains the partition table and the commands to start the active primary
- The
active partition is the primary partition which the computer boots from to
load the bootmanager on the boot sector of this partition. In most cases, the
active partition receives the disk letter C: in Windows, but this is not always
the case..
- The
boot sector is the first sector of a primary partition and contains the
commands for booting the operating system. Every primary partition has it's own
boot sector, but only the boot sector of the active partition is used for the
booting process.
- The
bootmanager shows the available operating systems to choose from when the
computer boots. Windows
has its own bootmanager, but there are also alternative bootmanagers available.
While Windows stores its bootmanager in the boot sector of the active partition,
other bootmanagers prefer the MBR of the hard disk.
- A primary partition labeled as hidden can not be accessed from the
booted Windows system which makes it hard to make changes to (damage...) the
file system. A hidden partition is shown as unknown partition in the Windows
Disk Manager and therefore won't be accessible by the Windows Explorer. So,
the partition is not really a hidden partition, but it can not be recognized
because of the unknown file system.
TIP: For more information, visit the page
partitioning the hard disk.
The Windows bootmanager
If multiple primary partitions are created, installing an additional
operating system is quite simple. The Windows setup shows which partitions are
available to install Windows on and asks which to use. The new Windows
installation will be added to the boot menu of the already installed bootmanager
(on the active partition). In those cases, the bootmanager is used by default,
which results in the following boot process:
- The computer boots en the BIOS is loaded.
- The BIOS runs the Master Boot Record (MBR), loads the partition table (with
the information about which partitions are labeled active and/or hidden)
and runs the instructions (a small program) as they are stored in the MBR.
- According to the instructions, the boot sector of the active partition is
- The boot sector contains instructions as well to start the Windows bootmanager. When there are multiple operating systems installed, a boot
menu is shown with
the available operating systems.
- After the operating system is chosen by the user, it is started from the
partition it is installed on. This partition doesn't have to be the active
partition. When the user doesn't choose an operating system, the bootmanager
boots from the default operating system after a certain amount of time has

In the most common situation where only one Windows operating system is
installed (a computer without multiboot...), the bootmanager is loaded but
doesn't show a boot menu. Windows is started immediately without the
interference of the user.
The installation order of the different Windows versions
Every Windows version has it's own type of bootmanager. Because the bootmanager
of the already installed operating system is replaced by the bootmanager of the newly installed operating system, it is wise to start with the oldest Windows
version and to end with the latest version. This prevents the problem that the
bootmanager belonging to the older Windows version doesn't recognize the latest
version. For this reason it is important to start with Windows 9x, followed by Windows XP (Home, Pro, Media Center)
and to end with Windows Vista!
Making changes to the boot menu of the Windows bootmanager
After the different operating systems are installed, the boot menu of the
multiboot system is ready to use. Sometimes the boot menu needs to be changed
manually (for example when there is an undesired Windows installation is
mentioned, the names of the mentioned operating systems has to be changed, or
the boot information need to be updated). The Windows XP bootmanager stores the
boot information in the BOOT.INI file while the Windows Vista bootmanager uses the BCD (Boot Configuration Data Store). So, if the boot information
need to be changed, this has to be done in the BOOT.INI file (XP) or the BCD (Vista),
depending on the installed Windows version(s).
Changing the BOOT.INI (Windows XP)
The BOOT.INI file in Windows XP is stored in the root of the active
partition and can be viewed and changed with a simple text editor. This file is
opened by the sub System in the Control Panel, tab Advanced,
button Settings at the sub Startup and Recovery,
Edit. This
procedure disables the file protection temporarily and opens the file
automatically with Notepad. Be careful in making changes to this file:
typing errors can result in boot failures!

In the example below shows the content of a BOOT.INI file belonging to
a multiboot system with three different Windows XP installations (Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Media Center Edition). The
timeout of 30 will show the boot menu for a maximum of 30 seconds. When there
is no input from the user, the operating system mentioned at
default will be booted by default. If there is only one row below operating systems,
this will be the default as well and booted immediately at startup without
showing the boot menu.
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Home"...
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Pro"...
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Media Center"...
Windows Home, Pro and Media Center are respectively installed on the first,
second and third primary partition. In those three cases, the system files are
stored in the folder
WINDOWS of these partitions (this is the default folder for system files
used by Windows).
Although manually changing the default operating system is easily, it is
safer to change it with the dropdown menu Default operating system (in the
window Startup and Recovery). If this is done manually and the
default system no longer corresponds to one of the mentioned operating systems,
then an error message at boot will be shown. And when Windows won't boot anymore,
it becomes hard to correct the boot.ini file...
Removing an old installation from the boot menu
When Windows XP has been installed without removing the old Windows installation
(which is done by
partitioning and
formatting), then the boot menu could show two different entries (the old
Windows installation is still available in the boot menu). Before removing the
old Windows entry from the boot menu (and from the hard disk), make sure the new
installation is the default operating system to boot from. The next step is to
remove the entry which isn't mentioned under
default. The last step is to delete the installation folder within the Windows
Explorer available after starting the new Windows installation.
Damaged boot sector
When Windows won't boot anymore, there is a chance the boot sector is damaged. To
repair the boot sector within Windows
XP is done by booting from the Windows XP installation CD and to start the
recovery console by choosing for Repair (R). Select the installation
to be repaired and enter the password (confirm with the
ENTER key when no password has been set). In the recovery console, enter the
command FIXBOOT (confirm with the Y key) to repair the boot process.
The command FIXMBR is used to repair the Master Boot Record (MBR).
The command HELP shows the information of the available commands and the
command EXIT is used to leave the recovery console.
Missing HAL.DLL
The error message MISSING HAL.DLL is a frequently occurring problem.
This message tells that the file HAL.DLL is missing, but this is rarely
the case.
This problem is solved in the recovery console as well: recover the boot
configuration as it is stored in the BOOT.INI file using the following commands:
ATTRIB C:\BOOT.INI -a -h -r -s
BOOTCFG /rebuild
Changing the BCD (Windows Vista)
BCD used by Windows Vista is stored in the folder boot on the active partition
and can be edited with the command BCDEDIT. While the file BOOT.INI
within Windows XP is easily edited with Notepad, it takes some effort to
understand the command
BCDEDIT. This command is that complicated, only a few know how to apply it.
Fortunately, the BCD can be edited by using a tool like
EasyBCD (download:
www.neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1). And these kind of tools prevent making errors as well!
TIP: Visit Microsoft's web page (www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/tips/debug_vista.mspx)
for more information about the command BCDEDIT and manually changing the
The example below shows the use of the tool EasyBCD. The button View Settings shows the current settings of
the Windows Vista bootmanager. The buttons Change Settings and Add/Remove
Entries can be used to make changes to the BCD,
like changing the default operating system, changing the boot menu order or
removing a Windows entry from the boot menu. When an operating system has been
removed from the BCD, the accompanying system files can be removed using the
Windows Explorer of one of the other Windows entries.

The disadvantages of the Windows bootmanager
As described above, creating a multiboot system while using the default
Windows bootmanager isn't difficult: just install Windows more then once on
different primary partitions. When the computer start, a boot menu is shown with
the installed Windows versions. This method is effective and almost always error
free. But using the Windows bootmanager has some disadvantages as well, but you
rarely read about it.
Each Windows installation is able to access the files on the other system
The most disadvantages of the Windows bootmanager are caused by the fact that
all system partitions are fully visible and accessible from all Windows
installations. So, the booted Windows installation has access to the (system)
files on the partition of the not used Windows installations. Because the
partitions are visible to the user, they can be changed by the user, programs
and viruses as well (which can result in a damaged system). And in case
different Windows versions are used, then there is a risk that the Windows XP
check disk will damage the
Windows Vista system partition while the hibernation could cause big problems in
the mutual file systems. These risks are not that small and a mistake is quickly made (because the system partition letters are
mixed up quickly by accident!).
This problem is partially solved by removing the disk letter of the not booted
Windows installations in each Windows installation. This is done by Windows
Disk Management
(available by the sub Administrative Tools of the Control Panel,
Computer Management).
When these partitions are no longer accessible by their drive letter, then they
are no longer accessible in the Windows Explorer. Keep in mind that the disk
letter of the booted Windows installation can not be removed or changed.
The disk letters of the Windows partitions are fixed
At setup, Windows is installed on one of the primary partitions. The disk letter
of those partitions are fixed at the moment of installing Windows, depending on
the partition table of that moment. The active (primary) partition receives the
disk letter C: while the other primary partitions, logical drives and CD players
receive the next available drive letters. As long as there are no changes in the
partition layout preceding the installation of the different Windows versions (like
activating and/or hiding partitions), all partitions will receive the same disk
letters in every Windows installation. By the way, the partition information
(and the accompanying disk letters) is stored in the registry within the
registry key HKLM\System\MountedDevices. So, the active (primary) partition receives the disk letter C: in every
Windows installation. And the other system partitions receive the disk letters
D:, E:,....
When the default setup procedure is followed, the disk letter C: can not be used
for every Windows installation.
Alternative: starting a bootmanager from the MBR
Microsoft has chosen for the option to place the bootmanager on an unusual
location in the boot process, namely in the boot sector of the active partition.
But, when the bootmanager would have been loaded earlier in the boot process,
the most important disadvantages would have been prevented from happening. That is one of
the reasons alternative bootmanagers use the
Master Boot Record (MBR) of the hard disk, which causes the bootmanager to make changes to the partition table (like activating another partition and/or to
hide other partitions) before the active partition is booted.
Not every alternative bootmanager has to be loaded into the MBR (like the Linux
www.gnu.org/software/grub)! Some of them are also able to use a specially
reserved area of an active FAT partition, but this method is not discussed here.
The labels of the system partitions are changed automatically
By placing the bootmanager into the MBR, the primary partition belonging to the
Windows to be booted can be activated and made visible automatically, while the
other primary partitions will be set to hidden simultaneously. The necessary
changes to the partition table are applied before the Windows operating system
on the active partition is started. Because the active partition changes
depending on the chosen Windows system in the boot menu, every Windows operating
system uses it's own bootmanager (having a boot menu with only one entry which
is booted by default).
So, the alternative bootmanager changes the active and hidden partitions,
depending on the chosen operating system. Because these labels are changed
before Windows boots, the partitions of the other operating systems are hidden
by default before Windows starts. This will make the unused partitions invisible
for the Windows bootmanager of the booted partition. The result: the Windows
bootmanager doesn't know better then there is only one primary partition with
only one Windows installation.
Booting process while using a bootmanager in the MBR
The booting process of a multiboot computer with the bootmanager installed
in the Master Boot Record follows the following steps:
- The computer boots en the BIOS is loaded.
- The BIOS runs the Master Boot Record (MBR), loads the partition table and
runs the instructions (a small program) which are stored in the MBR. In this
case, the MBR contains instructions of the alternative bootmanager.
- Depending on the chosen operating system, one of the primary partitions is
made active while the other primary partitions are made hidden.
- According to the instructions of the bootmanager, the boot sector of the partition which has been made active, is loaded.
- Depending on the instructions in the boot sector of the active partition of
that moment, the Windows bootmanager of the installed Windows version is loaded.
Because the bootmanager isn't aware of the other Windows installations (on the
hidden partitions), it doesn't show a boot menu but directly loads the concerning
operating system.

Every Windows is installed on a partition with the disk letter C:
During the installation procedure of Windows, all (visible) partitions receive a
disk letter. By default, the active primary partition of that moment receives
the disk letter C: By changing the active partition prior to the installation of
Windows (by labeling this partition as active), every Windows installation will
be installed on an active primary partition with the disk letter C:
The advantages of a bootmanager in the MBR
Because the alternative bootmanager is placed in the MBR, the unused primary
partition can be set to hidden. This risk of a damaged operating system is
significantly lower because the hidden partitions are no longer accessible from
the started operating system. Because the hidden partitions can't receive a disk
letter (and because the Windows partition is always on the active partition),
Windows is always installed on the partition with the drive letter C:.
There are different kinds of alternative bootmanagers
A bootmanager placed in the MBR replaces the original code in the MBR, but the
available space in the MBR is not sufficient to install a complete bootmanager.
For this reason bootmanagers also use the empty space between the MBR and the
first partitions (the available space is still limited, which makes it hard to
store a bootmanager with a heavy graphical interface) or the space of an
additional FAT32 partition (which offers enough space, but costs one partition).
Both alternatives have their advantages and disadvantages.
MasterBooter <this tool is no longer available> is an example of an alternative bootmanager which uses
the (limited) free space between the MBR and the first partition. For this
reason, the graphical interface of the boot menu looks old fashion, but the
bootmanager does it's work properly! Visit the page about
MrBooter for more information about using this bootmanager.
Some more tips
- Setting up a multiboot system is not without a risk. Make sure there is a
back-up of the personal data!
- Before installing Windows, activate (and unhide) the primary partition to
install Windows on (this is necessary, else the partition won't receive the disk
letter C:). Activating the partition can be done manually with partitioning
software or automatically by the bootmanager.
- During the installation of Windows, the MBR is overwritten. An already
placed bootmanager in the MBR has to be reinstalled after the setup has been
- Some bootmanagers can not be used in combination with Windows Vista because
they make changes to the partition parameters stored in the partition table. Vista
needs this information to recognize the partitions and to give them a disk
- Disable the option system restore for the mutual logical disks in all
installed Windows versions. The combined use of system restore can only be the
cause of problems (for example, the system restore of XP and Vista are not
compatible with each other).
- Be careful applying hibernation. When the computer awakens/boots in a
different operating system then it hibernated, then strange things can happen to
the files on the mutual partitions!
Copying Windows from one partition to another
So, it is quite easy to setup a multiboot system using an alternative
bootmanager: Windows is installed multiple times on a primary partition made
active prior to installing Windows. However, to setup a multiboot system with
the same Windows version twice or more, it is better to copy the already
installed Windows (lets say OS1) to one of the other primary partitions (OS2).
This can be done by restoring an earlier created
back-up of the operating system OS1
to the partition for OS2 or by copying the operating system directly from one
partition to the other using imaging software like Partition Saving (download:
Alternative bootmanager is needed after imaging Windows
Although this procedure saves a lot of time because Windows only needs to be
installed and optimized once, there are also some disadvantages. In case the
Windows bootmanager is used, there are immediate problems with the assigned
driver letters. The copied Windows installation (OS2) doesn't know better then
it is installed on partition C: (just like the original Windows), while this
hard to realize using the Windows bootmanager! By using an alternative
bootmanager in the MBR, this problem does not occur because every Windows
installation is able to use the drive letter C:.
Before imaging OS1 to the partition of OS2, it is important that this partition
didn't receive a disk letter yet in OS1! To prevent this from happening, hide
the partition for OS2 by using partitioning software until the imaging has taken
place. The next step is to hide the partition of OS1 before the OS2 is booted
for the first time, else the partition of OS1 will still receive the drive
letter C: (because this is already the case in the original installation of OS1)
which makes it impossible for OS2 to claim C:.
This procedure could possibly be prevented by deleting the registry values in
the registry key HKLM\System\MountedDevices before imaging the OS1 to the
partition reserved for OS2.
Don't forget to change the BOOT.INI/BCD!
After copying the Windows installation, it is also very important to change the
boot information used by the Windows bootmanager of OS2. The BOOT.INI (XP)/BCD (Vista)
of the OS2 partition needs to be changed to make sure that it doesn't use the
same (original) partition for the registry files.
When the BOOT.INI/BCD is not changed, it will result in irreversible problems
in both OS1 and OS2 as soon as critical changes are made to one of the Windows
installations. In the beginning all seems to work fine, as long as there are no
critical changes... This is what happens: registry changes in OS2 (like a change
in the
Windows XP-services/Windows Vista-services)
are applied in the registry files stored on the partition of OS1, even when the
partition of OS1 is hidden for OS2! So, registry changes of both OS1 and OS2
take place in the registry files belonging to OS1, while the changes in the
(system) files belonging to these registry changes are stored on or removed from
the partition of the active Windows installation of that moment. which makes
them invisible for the other Windows (if the partition would not be hidden, the
files aren't accessible by their original drive letter as well).
Such a situation would result in big problems for sure! This situation is
identified easily by making some changes in the registry and notice what happens
in the other operating system (like moving a shortcut on the desktop of OS1 and
to verify if this is the case in OS2 as well). If they still use the same
registry, then the BOOT.INI/BCD of the copied partition (OS2) needs to be
changed to make sure it points to the right partition.
Would you like to know more about making these changes to the BOOT.INI/BCD,
read the page about
setting up a multiboot system with MrBooter.