
Creating a screen dump (PrintScreen) and PDF files

Being able to create a screen dump has some advantages like sending a mail with the information shown on the screen (like an error message saved in a picture file attached to the mail). This page describes how to create a PDF file as well.

Shortcuts and pasting text with FlashPaste

Shortcuts make it possible to perform certain actions more efficiently then it would be done otherwise. The use of shortcuts will eventually increase your productivity and prevent repetitive strain injury. This page describes the use of shortcuts and a text insertion tool to quickly insert text (like your address, phone number and default answers to mail).

Automatically creating a back-up of personal data using SyncBack

Frequently creating a back-up of personal data is thought of by many, but done by a only a few. By automating this back-up process, only the changed files will be copied to the back-up location. Such a procedure only takes a few minutes and can be done without a lot of knowledge.

The picture management tool Picasa

Picasa is one of the most popular Google products which can organize the collection of pictures. This page describes the features of this tool and how to use it to manage your own pictures.

Sysinternals system tools (system management and troubleshooting)

The guys behind Sysinternals (bought by Microsoft) have developed multiple interesting system tools for the management of the Windows operating system. Because there are multiple tools, they are described on a separate page.

Windows Registry Editor: REGEDIT

The registry contains many Windows settings (and changes continuously), which can be viewed with the Registry Editor. Because many pages on this site (and other websites) contain registry tweaks, you need the Registry Editor to apply those registry tweaks.

Freeware/shareware utilities

There are many interesting freeware and shareware utilities which you can find on the internet. Here an overview of the utilities you need to have!

Interesting websites on the WWW

Links to interesting sites and (free) tools for tweaking Windows and solving most of your Windows problems (most of the links are mentioned elsewhere on this website as well).


Install all your software on the C: partition (the folder C:\Program Files), not on the data partition (D:).  If you create an image of your Windows system, they will be included in the system image. After you have created a system image, you can experiment all software: just place back the system image and you are free of all the new installed software!

Before you created a system image, don't install software which you probably won't use or software with limited time or usage. Make sure you change the settings of all the installed software as you wish, before creating a system image. If you install software, make sure the software stores personal data on your data disk (D:). If you don't, you will lose your data by recovering your system with a system image!

Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
AVG antivirus
Comodo Internet Security
Back-up/file Sync
Free software
Wireless network
Sharing files
Installing Windows in 10 steps
Backup data/drivers
Resizing partitions
Move personal files

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