MSConfig System Configuration UtilityWith the utility MSConfig it is possible to analyze all the applications starting when you turn on your computer and, if you feel the need to do so, disable undesirable items. Turning off undesirable items will save system resources which will eventually result in a faster Windows. You can start the MSConfig utility by Start, Run and type the command MSCONFIG and press ENTER. If you have just done a fresh Windows setup, there won't be much shocking to disable. When you have installed all your favorite software, it is time to have a look at MSConfig, whether performance enhancements are possible. The most important tab, is the last one: Startup. Here you can disable (and enable again....) startup items. If you are not sure, you better leave the item untouched, but you are free to experiment (you can always turn them on again). If you have been infected by a virus, most times you can find the virus here. To disable a virus you better run MSCONFIG in Windows safe mode (press F8 while restarting Windows), else the still active virus will reactivate your action. Above is shown how the automatic startup of the Windows Messenger has been disabled. The Command column shows the location of the application (which can give you information about what's the application for). The Location column tells you where you can find the place to delete the item permanently, most of the times it will be in the Windows registry. It is important to realize what every item does, and to ask yourself the question whether you need that item. Many applications you will install place a link here (most of the times unasked), to make them fast accessible in the system tray.
The tab Services also shows some essential services started with Windows. Most of the shown services are from Microsoft Windows, which are discussed on the page Windows XP services. It's wise, not to disable one of those, to make sure you keep out of startup troubles. However, by choosing the option to Hide All Microsoft Services. This will give you an insight in non-Windows services. Most of the time it is completely filled with the services from security software like firewalls and virus scanners. This answers the question why your quick computers rapidly turns into a slow snail.
Above you can see that the NVIDIA Driver Helper Service (saves time at the shutdown of Windows) and the TuneUp WinStyler Theme Service are turned off.
The tabs SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI aren't that important, the tab BOOT.INI gives you some extra boot options you can turn on or off. By clicking Check All Boot Paths, you can possibly fix some boot problems. By enabling the option /NOGUIBOOT there won't be any Windows logo at startup, just a black screen (actually there is no important reason to do so......;-).
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